Angelyn Moore is a scientist in the Ionospheric and Atmospheric Remote Sensing group. She completed a Ph.D. in physics at the University of California Riverside, performing the dissertation research in the Time and Frequency Research and Development group at JPL. Angie has spent 27 years in various roles in geodetic GPS, including remote autonomous operation of global sites, coordinating an international federation of geodetic GPS agencies, and GPS data analysis for earth science applications.
- B.S., Physics, Harvey Mudd College (1989)
- M.S., Physics. California State University, Los Angeles (1990)
- Ph.D., Physics, University of California, Riverside (1995)
- Dissertation: Dynamics of Laser-Cooled Ions Confined in Radio-Frequency Traps
Research Interests:
- Geodetic GPS/GNSS processing and timeseries analysis
- GNSS ionospheric determination
- GPS troposphere delay and precipitable water vapor
Professional Experience:
- Jet Propulsion Laboratory
- Scientist, Ionospheric and Atmospheric Remote Sensing Group (2020-present)
- Scientist, Geodynamics and Space Geodesy Group (2008-2020)
- Program/Project Manager, Communications, Tracking, and Radar Division (1998-2008)
- Member Technical Staff, GPS Networks and Ionospheric Systems Development Group (1995-1998)
- Member Technical Staff, Time and Frequency Standards Research and Development Group (1988-1995)
- Technical Aide, Central Weather Processor Project (1987)
- University of California, Riverside
- Teaching Assistant, Physics Department (1990-1992)
- ITT Federal Electric Corporation, Vandenberg Air Force Base
- Engineering Aide, Test & Evaluation Group (1986)
- Technical Clerk, Telemetry Integrated Processing System (1985)
Selected Service
- NASA Crustal Dynamics Data Information System (CDDIS) User Working Group (2021-present)
- UNAVCO Geodetic Data Services Advisory Committee (2016-present)
- International GNSS Service Network Coordinator and Deputy Manager of the Central Bureau (1998-2008)
- Trained weather spotter, National Weather Service Los Angeles/Oxnard Forecast Office (2011-present)
Selected Awards:
- NASA Exceptional Achievement Medal:
- GPS estimates of precipitable water vapor, 2015
- JPL Ranger Award:
- GPS estimates of precipitable water vapor, 2014
- NASA Group Achievement Awards:
- Nepal Earthquake Response Team, 2016
- Advanced Rapid Imaging and Analysis Team, 2014
- Trapped Ion Frequency Standard Development Team, 1995
- JPL Team Bonus Awards:
- DSN Media Modeling Software Upgrade, 2022
- Multi-GNSS Post-processing Products Development Team, 2022
- Global Ionospheric Mapping (GIM) Software Update Team, 2020
- Nepal Earthquake Response Team, 2015
- ARIA Team, 2012 & 2015
- GPS World 50+ Leaders to Watch, 2007
Selected Publications:
- Bertiger, W., Bar-Sever, Y., Dorsey, A., Haines, B., Harvey, N., Hemberger, D., ... & Murphy, D. (2020). GipsyX/RTGx, A New Tool Set for Space Geodetic Operations and Research. Advances in Space Research.
- Ross, Z. E., Idini, B., Jia, Z., Stephenson, O. L., Zhong, M., Wang, X., ... & Hauksson, E. (2019). Hierarchical interlocked orthogonal faulting in the 2019 Ridgecrest earthquake sequence. Science, 366(6463), 346-351.
- Milliner, C., Materna, K., Bürgmann, R., Fu, Y., Moore, A. W., Bekaert, D., ... & Argus, D. F. (2018). Tracking the weight of Hurricane Harvey’s stormwater using GPS data. Science advances, 4(9), eaau2477.
- Argus, D. F., Landerer, F. W., Wiese, D. N., Martens, H. R., Fu, Y., Famiglietti, J. S., ... & Watkins, M. M. (2017). Sustained Water Loss in California's Mountain Ranges During Severe Drought From 2012 to 2015 Inferred From GPS. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 122(12).
- Moore, A. W., Small, I. J., Gutman, S. I., Bock, Y., Dumas, J. L., Fang, P., ... & Laber, J. L. (2015). National weather service forecasters use GPS precipitable water vapor for enhanced situational awareness during the southern California summer monsoon. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 96(11), 1867-1877.
- Argus, D. F., Peltier, W. R., Drummond, R., & Moore, A. W. (2014). The Antarctica component of postglacial rebound model ICE-6G_C (VM5a) based on GPS positioning, exposure age dating of ice thicknesses, and relative sea level histories. Geophysical Journal International, 198(1), 537-563.
- Liu, Z., Owen, S., & Moore, A. (2014). Rapid Estimate and Modeling of Permanent Coseismic Displacements for Large Earthquakes Using High-Rate Global Positioning System Data. Seismological Research Letters, 85(2), 284-294.
- Gazeaux, J., Williams, S., King, M., Bos, M., Dach, R., Deo, M., ... & Webb, F. H. (2013). Detecting offsets in GPS time series: First results from the detection of offsets in GPS experiment. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 118(5), 2397-2407.
- Reuveni, Y., Kedar, S., Owen, S. E., Moore, A. W., & Webb, F. H. (2012). Improving sub-daily strain estimates using GPS measurements. Geophysical Research Letters, 39(11).
- M. Simons et al., The 2011 Magnitude 9.0 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake: Mosaicking the Megathrust from Seconds to Centuries, Science 332, 1421 (2011); 10.1126/science.1206731.
Selected Invited Presentations
- "Disasater Mitigation Applications of Terrestrial GNSS," presented to the National Space-Based Positioning, Navigation, and Timing Advisory Board, Nov. 15, 2017.
- "Improved Warnings for Natural Hazards: A Prototype System for Southern California," presented to NATO Civil-Military Planning Support’s Industrial Resources and Communications Services Group, communications Work Group, Feb. 12, 2014.
- "Systems and methods for advanced rapid imaging and analysis for earthquakes," U.S. Patent 10,145,972.

4800 Oak Grove Drive
Pasadena, CA 91109
Phone: (818) 354-5434